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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2009El mundo en seis patas: los insectos y su papel en la naturalezaCapítulo de libroFederico Escobar-
2009The Hallucinogenic Mushrooms: Diversity, Traditions, Use and Abuse with Special Reference to the Genus PsilocybeCapítulo de libroGASTON GUZMAN HUERTA-
2009New species of Macrodactylus Dejean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae; Macrodactylini) from MexicoArtículoROBERTO ARCE PEREZ; MIGUEL ANGEL MORON RIOS-
2009A comparative study of Odonata (Insecta) assemblages along an altitudinal gradient in the sierra de Coalcomán Mountains, Michoacán, MexicoArtículoRodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez; JOSE ANTONIO GOMEZ ANAYA-
2009Consumption of Conostegia xalapensis fruits and seed dispersal of Coussapoa oligocephala by the nectarivorous bat Hylonycteris underwoodi Thomas, 1903 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)ArtículoALEJANDRO ANTONIO CASTRO LUNA; Vinicio De Jesús Sosa Fernández-
2009Description of the larva of Acanthagrion quadratum Selys, with a key to the known larvae of the genus (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)ArtículoRodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez-
2009Tree species diversity driven by environmental and anthropogenic factors in tropical dry forest fragments of central Veracruz, MexicoArtículoGuadalupe Williams_Linera; Francisco Lorea-Hernández-
2009Different arbuscular mycorrhizal interactions in male and female plants of wild Carica papaya L.ArtículoMARIA DEL ROCIO VEGA FRUTIS; Roger Guevara Hernández-
2009New Genus and three new species of leaf-litter-inhabiting Ozophorini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Rhyparochromidae: Rhyparochrominae)ArtículoHarry Brailovsky; LUIS MANUEL CERVANTES PEREDO-
2009Identity and delimitation of the American species of Litsea Lam. (Lauraceae): a morphological approach.ArtículoNELLY DEL CARMEN JIMENEZ PEREZ; Francisco Lorea-Hernández-
