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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2001Effect of habitat fragmentationon the genetic structure of the narrow endemic Brongniartia vazqueziiArtículoJorge González Astorga; Juan Núñez_Farfán-
2003Biology and description of a new species of Cholula (Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini) associated with a fig in MexicoArtículoLUIS MANUEL CERVANTES PEREDO; MA. ILIANA PACHECO RUEDA-
2003Hongos de Zoncuantla, Veracruz I. Nuevos registros para Veracruz y MexicoArtículoFlorencia Judith Ramírez Guillén; GASTON GUZMAN HUERTA-
2009El mundo en seis patas: los insectos y su papel en la naturalezaCapítulo de libroFederico Escobar-
2003Gamma diversity: derived from and a determinant of alpha diversity and beta diversity. An analysis of three tropical landscapesArtículoLucrecia Arellano; Gonzalo Halffter-
2004Testing human urine as a low-tech bait for Anastrepha spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in small guava, mango, sapodilla and grapefruit orchardsArtículoMartín Ramón Aluja Schuneman Hofer; Jaime Pinero-
2009The Hallucinogenic Mushrooms: Diversity, Traditions, Use and Abuse with Special Reference to the Genus PsilocybeCapítulo de libroGASTON GUZMAN HUERTA-
2000Variable demography in relation to germination time in the annual plant Tagetes micrantha Cav. (Asteraceae)ArtículoJorge González Astorga; Juan Núñez_Farfán-
2009New species of Macrodactylus Dejean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae; Macrodactylini) from MexicoArtículoROBERTO ARCE PEREZ; MIGUEL ANGEL MORON RIOS-
2004Genetic variability of the narrow endemic tree Antirhea aromatica Castillo-Campos & Lorence, (Rubiaceae, Guettardeae) in a tropical forest of MexicoArtículoJorge González Astorga; Gonzalo Castillo-Campos-
