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Fish host-monogenean parasite interactions, with special reference to Polyopisthocotylea
Miguel Rubio-Godoy
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Teleost fishes possess immune systems capable of mounting humoral and cellular responses against pathogens, both specific and non-specific. Monogenea (Platyhelminthes) are common ectoparasites of fish, and can have significant pathogenic effects on hosts, particularly confined animals. There are two types of monogeneans, Monopisthocotylea and Polyopisthocotylea, which differ in their biology and effects on the host. Several reviews have summarised the information available on the interaction between fish hosts and monopisthocotylean monogenean parasites; this review focuses on case studies involving polyopisthocotyleans (species of the genera Discocotyle, Heterobothrium and Neoheterobothrium) known to cause pathology/mortality in wild and/or farmed fishes, for which laboratory-based studies on host-parasite interactions are available. Known immune responses (humoral and cellular; innate and acquired) elicited against polyopisthocotyleans are reviewed; and contrasted to defence mechanisms against monopisthocotyleans.
Advances in the immunobiology of parasitic diseases
Capítulo de libro
Rubio Godoy, M.. 2008. Fish host-monogenean parasite interactions, with special reference to Polyopisthocotylea. En: Advances in the immunobiology of parasitic diseases (Ed: Luis I. Terrazas). Research Signpost. Pp. 91-109
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